Monday, May 16, 2011


8 glasses a day, yeah right like I have time for all that guzzling! not to mention all the subsequent peeing that would require. I'll just drink my coffee, diet coke, and margarita thank you very much because any liquid has water in it so I should be all good, right?

Well, sorry to break the news but that just won't cut it and if you're not drinking enough then you may unknowingly be walking around partially dehydrated (and enduring various annoying symptoms) which in the long run can do some serious damage to your body. I've talked about vitamin this and nutrient that and while it's true that this ol' flesh machine we live in does have a lot of needs, water is the single most important nutrient for our bodies. It is involved in every single function of the body and while you can live for up to 7 weeks without food you'd get all dried out from inside and not survive more than 5 days without water! 

Fun Facts
  • Your body is about 70% water (muscles: 75%, brain cells: 85%, blood: 82%). Babies are approximately 75-80% water and as we grow older that decreases to 50-60% (think grape to raisin).
  • Hot water on the outside of the body stimulates the immune system and increases blood circulation, that's why if feels sooooo good.
  • Cold water can reduce inflammation and fever, hence the ice pack if you get hurt.
  • Water plays a vital role in regulating body temperature, removing waste, transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushioning joints, protecting organs and tissues, dissolving minerals, pushing out waste products, and preventing disease.
  • You lose about 2 quarts of water a day through perspiration, urination, and even exhalation! 
  • If you feel thirsty, you are already partially dehydrated.
  • Water is a conductor of electricity in the body.
  • Our bodies can only absorb minerals that are water soluble. 
  • If you have very yellow, stinky pee that means you need more water, pee should have only a mild odor and be 'straw' colored.
  • If you're really dehydrated it is best to drink something that has more electrolytes than water, a sports drink like gatorade or coconut water (iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium) because that will rehydrate you faster.
  • The best time to drink water is actually NOT with food because it dilutes the digestive juices and enzymes in your stomach and intestines, but half an hour before eating or over an hour after eating. 
I start every morning with a room temperature glass of water, that's when your body is usually most thirsty due to many hours of deprivation, plus it's a good way to warm up your digestive system. Room temperature is best because drinking cold water would require that your body exert extra energy to warm it up - not that it's SO hard for your body to do that but if that's one less thing on its' to-do list then it can focus just a little more on all the other very important things it is constantly doing. Some symptoms of dehydration aside from thirst are constipation, dry skin, headaches, low blood pressure, urinary tract infections, and if you take medication it can cause other complications if you do not take those with adequate water.
The good news is that the word is out, and it's pretty cool to hydrate these days, they make all sorts of overpriced trendy water containers and celebrities are always chugging it down, so get with the program and drink it, lots, every day!

p.s. is aluminum really a less toxic water container than plastic? this needs more investigation,  use glass or ceramic when you can.

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